Thanks for this B&B. I´m glad of the fact that there are people out there who find these early days of the Mafia interesting and are willing to go that extra mile to inform and letting youngsters of today be aware of the intriguing history of the mob. Being a member of this and other Mafia discussion forums, I can see a decline of interest in topics related to the era when the Mafia was at its peak of power.

Regarding Adonis, I´ve always been interested what rank he held. I don´t think his rank has ever been confirmed by a crime historian, at least not to my knowledge. I know the Valachi charts show that Adonis had been a captain and that his crew was taken over by Alo. But I wonder how reliable that piece of info really is? Originally, Adonis seems to have been Brooklyn based before moving his interests to NJ. Alo´s crew consisted primarily of guys based in East Harlem and the Bronx. So that´s weird. Another kinda funny statement I´ve seen made by an informant says that Adonis was never made. But I can´t believe this informant was correct. Some speculate that Adonis may have been the consigliere while Costello headed the Family. I say it´s possible. But who can tell for sure? Another possible scenario is that Adonis may have been assaigned directly with Costello or any of the other two top guys. This kind of set up (the boss or another member of the administration having guys directly put with them) is more/was more common than we think. Regardless of his rank, he seems to have been a powerful member with a lot of clout.

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