No, I'm throwing that out there as a possiblity. It does seem a bit extreme to put Kay in the line of fire (post-abortion might be a different story) but it seems a bit odd that:

- The shooting occurs not long after Pentangeli storms out of the boat house, angry that Michael's perceived loyalties were with Roth and not the family. Pentangeli was almost insubordinate in front of Rocco, Neri and Hagen. After Pentangeli departs, Michael tells Neri he's already made his plans.
- The window drapes could only be opened from the inside of the house. Granted a lot of people were at the compound that day, but I doubt anyone would reach the inner sanctum of Michael's house without drawing attention.l
- The shooters' aim seems a bit high -- bullet holes are visible at the top of and above the headboard.
- The shooters turn up dead, and Rocco deems from a glance that they're from New York, but then says he doesn't recognize them.
- Rocco and Michael are non-plussed that the shooters are dead.
- Before the shooters were found, Michael already handed the reins over to Hagen and had plans to depart for Miami via train that coming morning; a rather rash move and not exactly the methodical planning Michael was known for. Additionally, Michael tells Hagen he knows the shooters are already dead.
- Michael uses the shooting to blame Roth, and encourage Pentangeli to make the deal with the Rosato Brothers. Conversely, Michael blames Pentangeli when meeting with Roth in Miami.