Originally Posted By: DB
Dinkins was some mayor , quite a time and site for a young kid like me

Dinkins was a horrible mayor. I didn't like Mario Cuomo one bit (Rest in Peace). He was a terrific speaker but a lousy politician (much like Obama). He was also an overtly liberal, self-hating Italian to the nth degree. But watching them bang heads years ago was always good for shits and giggles. But given today's politically correct climate, when Dinkins dies (the WORST Mayor in the history of this once great city), they'll probably close the schools and name part of Lenox Avenue after him.

Originally Posted By: DB
LE had a role but for some reason I appreciate a section that allows vices as that industry will never stop.

The Disney Corporation played a MUCH bigger part in the gentrification of Times Square than law enforcement ever did. The money comes first, the police protection follows.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.