Belmount ( still haven't answered my question)

I wouldn't called it an exception due to it's unknown factor or grey area.
I do agree with the case of major cities but there's some cases that doesn't fit the description. It's not most because everybody's different and many do live productive lives.

"Since its obvious that the out of wed lock birth rate in the black community leads to crime and poverty, what is someone like you doing about it ????"

It's not the root problem of black communities in which you seem attached to an sole stigma. Crime is committed for various reasons and Poverty have raised and decline throughout black history. You do realized only around 27% of blacks are in poverty right? I'm just minding my business and living my life, I can't help everybody issues.

"How do you think black leaders should attack this problem and why do they ignore even though its the root cause of most, if not all the problems in the black community?"

Brother their are many people attending to that now, back before I was born, and in the future. There are many programs, mentors, and churches already on it. Like I said it's just a variety of reasons beside just knuckleheads.

"As a black man, doesnt it bother you when when you think of a successful black and its always some entertainer and not an engineer or medical researcher? "

Nope. I could think of as many successful people outside of the world of entertainment and first & foremost my relatives.

"Does it bother you that a successful/ wealthy athlete like Adrian Peterson has at least 5 kids with 5 different woman? This all happened AFTER he made his millions so poverty doesnt cause that sort of behavior. Its up to you to stop the cycle my friend. I challenge you to do that."

I honestly doesn't know who he is and couldn't care. Your forgetting that I'm one of those children born out of that cycle and I'm handling my business thank you. I think your perception comes from a waterfall of one sided media ( not saying it's completely false) and not a balanced view of information. It's none of my business who's sex life is active and everybody knows the risk so it's the individual choices/actions.

Think about this ; over 70% of blacks aren't in poverty, 28% of black households are single mothers, and the link I provided earlier. I challenge you to do more research on statistics and numbers of past & present.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb