Black Family
You are again talking about the exception( by far) rather than the rule. A drug kingpin from a strong family/ stable family??? Of course it can happen but its much more likely in the out of wed lock situation. Look at all the murders in chicago, new orleans, detroit.. Probably 9 out if 10 are committed by blacks who were born out of wed lock. Most blacks that come from out of wed lock families have a MUCH tougher time leading responsible/ productive lives. In fact, they usually wind up engaging in the same irresponsible behavior as their parents.
Since its obvious that the out of wed lock birth rate in the black community leads to crime and poverty, what is someone like you doing about it ????
How do you think black leaders should attack this problem and why do they ignore even though its the root cause of most, if not all the problems in the black community?
As a black man, doesnt it bother you when when you think of a successful black and its always some entertainer and not an engineer or medical researcher?
Does it bother you that a successful/ wealthy athlete like Adrian Peterson has at least 5 kids with 5 different woman? This all happened AFTER he made his millions so poverty doesnt cause that sort of behavior. Its up to you to stop the cycle my friend. I challenge you to do that.

Last edited by Belmont; 12/31/14 08:26 AM.