" Of course a 19 year old can still go to college AFTER she has a baby but you and I both know she will be at a tremendous disadvantage as will that little baby. Guess what ? She now has to work ,PLUS go to school ,PLUS study ,and PLUS take care of a baby !!!! Thats very difficult for someone with a wealthy family never mind a single nineteen year old kid."

I said she can enroll and attend while pregnant and after childbirth ( a lot of catching up of course) still can graduate. That's why she have relatives to help her out but it's different from person to person at the end of the day. I have a hard time believing its more difficult if your wealthy.

"The question is : WHY do most blacks choose that route when its a proven recipe for disaster ? Keep in mind, my example assumes college when most don't go."

Naive mind or hardheaded for some and repeat the cycle but not most. Actually more blacks are going to college and particular more black females than males.

"The other question is why are so many black woman choosing to have babies at such a young age without being married and without a stable environment for that kid? "

They get involved in relationships with the wrong guys or naively assumes his going to take care of her, etc. But again it's not many just some and the link I provided shed light on it.

Sir with all due respect and love why have an issue with a small segment when it's not a personal problem for you? Meaning your not black. confused

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb