Black Family
You are skating around the issue. Of course a 19 year old can still go to college AFTER she has a baby but you and I both know she will be at a tremendous disadvantage as will that little baby. Guess what ? She now has to work ,PLUS go to school ,PLUS study ,and PLUS take care of a baby !!!! Thats very difficult for someone with a wealthy family never mind a single nineteen year old kid.
The question is : WHY do most blacks choose that route when its a proven recipe for disaster ? Keep in mind, my example assumes college when most do'nt go.
The other question is why are so many black woman choosing to have babies at such a young age without being married and without a stable environment for that kid? Anyone with a brain knows full well that bringing a precious baby into this world under those conditions are starting the baby off with a HUGE disadvantage in life... So again, after knowing this, why do blacks continue to keep doing it???
I guarantee, most stable black families with both a mother and father condemn that type of irresponsible behavior.
For the record, i own a business and have some wonderful customers that are black and they are beautiful people, i have no issue with blacks. i have an issue with the portion of the black population that condones and accepts the irresponsible life style we are talking about.

Last edited by Belmont; 12/28/14 08:16 PM.