Black family
I am a firm believer that we are all god's children and are all born equal. I had a black supervisor years ago and i adored and respected him immensely. In fact, if he told me to jump off a building, i would have.
I find it hard to fathom that blacks dont agree 100% that most ( if not all) of their problems are due to the disintegration of the black family.
Most blacks are born out of wed lock, thats a fact.. Almost 75% . Thats astounding. You think thats a recipe for success? You think that puts a beautiful baby on a strong path? It almost feels as if babies are viewed as puppies. As soon as they are'nt puppies, they are'nt taken care of.
Think about how bad it is that a news agency isnt allowed to describe a criminal as black, they can only mention his height and if he was a male. Its absurd.

Lets look at it like this: " I'm a poor black woman who has 4 brothers and sisters and i have no idea who my father is. My Mom was on welfare, we lived in a high crime area and my one brother was shot and my other brother was in jail for robbery. I am 19 years old and i have a choice. I can choose to go to college,acquire skills, meet a nice man, get married, have a child and raise him in a stable/ loving household.
Or i can choose to have a baby at 19 and have my child go through the EXACT same hardships as i did. Well, thats a selfish fuckin move. But i wont blame myself for making that choice, i will blame it on racism. I will also accuse any of my peers who went to college, speak proper english, and who lead a responsible life style as being " sell outs".

Last edited by Belmont; 12/28/14 08:28 AM.