@LaLouisiana I think you have to consider wedlock a factor in the dropping standards of African American culture. What do they see when their dad walks out on them? The way he treats their mother and other women around him? How does he behave and go about himself? Young black males in this country are more likely to be killed than any other ethnic group and it's not by cops or by white people but by another black person. There's a reason for this and I believe it's self perpetuating. Lack of education, poverty and improper role models (rappers) are all factors. But wedlock black males without fathers are more likely to end up in jail and have confrontations with the police. It's a problem.

@Alfa- No being in an urban ghetto sub culture will not make people go for a suicide by police shooting but it does make it more likely there will be confrontations with them such as Mike Brown in MO. I can see you're sympathetic to the protestors which I can understand why people will be, that doesn't mean most of them know what the hell they are doing or are even protesting the right way for the right reasons. But the proof of Mike Brown attacking that officer is a separate issue entirely. It's fact some sort of scuffle occurred between them. Who's fault was it? I'm inclined to believe it's Brown's, but we don't know for sure.

What I'm trying to get across is that African American culture (if you can call it that) today is fucked up. This doesn't go for every black person living in every black neighborhood but there is a systematic problem. And this time it's not the US government or white people.