Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: Belmont
Being a child from divorced parents is a lot different than being born out of wedlock. At least with divorce, the child usually has both a father and mother playing a role in raising him/ her.
Out of wedlock children usually have no father in the picture at all. 9 times out of 10, any black youth who commits a violent crime comes from an out of wedlock family.
Think about this, a child born to a stable family knows who his father is( obviously). A child out of wedlock gets to imagine his mother having sex with some drug dealer from the hood on top of an apartment building. Thats great for self esteem. You have to really blame black woman here, where is their moral compass.
By the way, its the American black that have the bad reps, the blacks that actually come here from Africa tend to be much more responsible. In fact, a lot of African's are hard working and responsible. The term " African american" is a real slap in the face to those hard working citizens.
Again, its not a poverty issue, its a cultural issue and i agree 100% with the other poster, their culture is the most irresponsible. Look at Adrian Peterson, the idiot has at least 5 kids with 5 different woman, what a sleaze bag.
I also agree, out of wed lock births are the root cause of their problems.

Ok so out of wedlock births is the cause of police brutality and community unrest over perceived violations of civilians' rights?

I don't understand this conversation.

I think it's a few bad apples that give African Americans the bad name as a whole. You want justice and fairness, yet you can youtube "F*** the police" and it's a bunch of kids that don't know any better standing in a crowd singing a rap song in the face of police officers telling them "F*** the police"

Officers aren't robots, they are humans too. That badge carries a sense of entitlement for 80% of them which everyone on this site can agree on. So when you offend their egos by playing gangster and yelling this in their face, the situation isn't helped by either side. AND THAT'S JUST ONE EXAMPLE

It's like poking the chained dog in your yard that was originally bought to protect you, and when it turns around and bites you, all of a sudden every breed of that dog must be wiped because it is bad.

If African Americans want change that bad it has to start from the top down. There will always be racism because some idiot that cannot think for himself will learn some crazy rhetoric that gives him a sense of belonging and acceptance, so it is futile to think racism will ever be completely eliminated. But you cannot change it when the biggest idols kids look up to are the ones singing songs about "clippin da po po" or "bangin dem chicks in da club" It's not how the real world works, and believe it or not, music influences the way kids think and act.

As far as for out of wedlock births and blaming it on one parent, I cannot fully agree. My father was killed by a drunk driver when I was two years old and my mother was a single parent living on a teachers salary which everyone knows, is not luxurious. Yet I managed to obtain a degree from LSU and be a commissioned officer in the army for four years. Was it because of the color of my skin? No, it was because when I was being raised, I had my ass kicked when I brought home bad grades because my mother wanted me to be something and live a better life. It doesn't matter what the color of your skin is, if your parents give a shit then they won't let you become a thug they will push you to do better.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"