Originally Posted By: barry
Well fergie,The slave trade was one of the first commodities on the stock exchange, with this the nation was built . Slave's help with the westward expansion . Blacks fought and died in every war this country has had .America tossed black's in the street after slavery with no means to support themselves . raped their wive's, daughter's and sisters since slavery to about he 1960's .and still in the year 2014 black men get shot and killed at the rate of about 1 every month . IF IT WAS YOU ... HOW WOULD YOU FEEL ?

You do realize there were 1-2 million white people enslaved in Africa by African tribes BEFORE the start of African slavery right? This was during the exploration days, where whole families were being taken into slavery, white women being raped, white children being forced to do slave work BEFORE injustices against blacks.

Karma has a funny way of rebounding no?

But I'm not going to focus on the past. Let's talk about now. In the first 15 years of a child being brought up, what makes them fail out of school? Are they born to be criminals? No, I highly doubt that. Where are the parents that punish them for making bad grades and keeping them on track? If you want to have a child, you should take responsibility for it right? In both its success and failures.

I see you keep throwing out past things that happened before you and I were born. You were dealt a shitty hand, trust me I get it. You can either keep referring to the past for excuses or buck up and get on the right track for yourself and your family. The tools for success are there, we live in the greatest country in the world.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"