After slavery was abolished ,the u.s.a. made a deal to give every slave family 40 acres and a mule . of course they lied . Imagine the wealth that former slaves would have had.No money ,no education no job's .lynchings from the early 1700's to the 1970's DO SOME OF YOU FOOL'S ON HERE UNDERSTAND THE MENTAL TERROR FROM THESE EVENT'S .No imigrant group that has entered this country has had to endure this malicious treatment .not many know what the original statue of liberty looked like' France gave America this gift/message. chain's at her feet to symbolize lady liberty's reality ... Housing discrimination . injecting black men all over the country with SYPHILLIS ( tuskegee syphillis experiment )and the goverment owes black american's millions of dollars in taxes , how are you gonna taxes human's and deny the basic civil right's ? taxation without representation .But in reality guy's america is all we know ... BEEN HERE SINCE THE INCEPTION OF THIS COUNTRY , DESERVE MORE RESPECT

Last edited by barry; 12/27/14 10:51 AM.