Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
We been here as long as whites to some degree, 1619 if I'm not too off. I would like to ask you of your opinion of social movement up thee ladder or what degree ,amount, or percentage of an entire ethnicity is considered successful?

I can't speak for many households but I'm distrubed at the lack of homeraising for some children while othets are outstanding . That's entirely individual as you could meet someone with a pleasant nature and that person was raised in the most grimey community in the state.

By the way it's not 13%, 12.4/5/6 something and perhaps the rate is high due to multple time offenders. maybe .

[Return to eating popcorn ]

Well blackfamily when you guys came over it wasn't exactly under the power of free will. Blacks were slaves for over 200 years before they were freed. Then you had Jim Crow and a strong bias everywhere against blacks for another 100. So yeah that's a long time to have the deck constantly stacked against you. It's a factor but you have to make it a small one because if you don't then it becomes an excuse. You don't blame the past you learn from it, something I wish more people did.

Moving up the ladder is a relative term I know. There's a lot of data and statistics involved in it. There's scum in every ethnic group just like there's success in every ethnic group. But as a whole, Asians, Whites, and Hispanics earn more annually and have lower poverty rates than their fellow black citizens.

Just like 7/10 black children are born without at least one parent, most of the time the father. That wouldn't fuck a kid up? Especially a young black boy who won't see a male model of good behavior. To me this heavily plays in to vicious cycle of young black men going to prison. Divorce rates among the entire populace are too high anyway- 50%.

If you know something I don't blackfamily, please share. I'm an open minded person. You're a very smart guy and I don't mean that sarcastically. What I'm concerned about is that there isn't enough of your own username within urban black communities.