More weed in my days in early 90s but then again I wasn't into the hard stuff

But I could buy 40s at 16 with braces for $2 and get a BJ for $20

Dinkins was some mayor , quite a time and site for a young kid like me

Now obviously the open market drug areas in Camden , Newark , Philly and B More must have been some scene but time square was different in that it was a real melting pot from a race standpoint . Hustlers and players didn't discriminate

Today your lucky to be able to smoke a cig

It's sad to say but I miss it , LE had a role but for some reason I appreciate a section that allows vices as that industry will never stop . I doubt many Wire fans here which I think is hands down best show ever made , but commander Bunny was onto something on directing the vices into designated areas that were decriminalized so these gangsters and vices don't bother normal folk . It's a sad state but this ain't ever gonna stop , it's time for a new strategy

Anyway in Newark , the place has become a total warzone , barely any whities except ferry st and the govt had to take over a defunct police dept . I live in area where a river separates me from Nwk ghettos and I hear gun shots regularly . I live on a pretty low crime but a 1/2 mile over has daily murders , go figure . Starting to remind me of the older Newark , except for ferry street which is a lot of fun and i go there often .

But the fact the one go go bar I started to go back just had a double murder on it's parking lot last Sunday, enough said .

Now all dealing had moved inside the bodegas , they adapted , shit ain't ever gonna change until our govt changes up.

Anyone else remember the day when weed was legal at that 4th street park in NYC with the cops surrounding it , lol . Ah back in the day but a police society ain't a long term solution no matter what politicians say , they just say the proper thing instead of the real thing . Govt today is terrible , it all about the party over doing the right thing ever since JFK was offed .

Anyway a rant but some night I like to speak my mind on here lol