Originally Posted By: Malandrino
I also wonder why more mob guys don't invest heavily in anti-surveillance and counter-surveillance. Just like there's very small bugs nowadays, there's also very advanced anti-surveillence devices to help them find bugs, recording devices, wires, etc.
Counter-surveillance is more tricky as they would have to track the FBI vans and it's pretty difficult to outsmart the feds in their own game, but it can be done.

My guess is they haven't got the means to get the latest devices? They obviously have the money and some of the bosses have the brains. I know for a fact cartels use these devices, along with opposing political parties in other 2nd and 3rd world countries.

No, they have always used anti surveillance stuff. Remember Ruggierio used some private eye to sweep his house and phones. Which is why he was caught on them tapes. He thought it was clean

joey Massino found a bug in his social club and even gave it back to Pat Colgan FBI agent I think it was

Most mob guys periodically have their clubs swept for bugs even in the 60s/ 70s

But as u can see, its not easy. Plus no matter how good your big detector is, the Feds prob still have better equipment. And don't forget, the Feds routinely turn off their bugs when they know there's a sweep about to take place.