Great article Scott, this was one I was looking forward to once you mentioned it. I've been stating I wonder where Chickie will fit into things once he comes home. I thought that at most, he'd take another Captain position, so I'm surprised people are thinking that they're making a space for him in the administration. But it makes sense, the guy deserves it, did freaking 30+ years standing on his head. I'm also surprised to hear Ligambi is willing to step down, if Chickie wanted to be Consigliere, which I think is the most realistic scenario for Chickie & that current regime. But that also makes sense, Ligambi has seemed as if he's wanted to step away and live comfortably since his trials officially ended. As far as anyone not buying him being Consigliere, it makes sense, if Mazzone is now acting boss, and Johnny Chang is underboss, the last acting boss, who was rumored to be stepping down, it isn't a shock he might be Consigliere. Another thing I found interesting, is about Chickie advising Merlino & Mikey Chang to stop the shit and go under Stanfa. I had kind of had an idea that's what happened, but I remember someone mentioning on either this forum or the real deal board that instead, Chickie were advising them to continue to disobey Stanfa, and actually pitted Michael against his brother. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why he'd put his sons against each other, granted these guys kill for the "business", even their own relatives, but the Ciancaglini's were never known to be dysfunctional when Chickie was on the street according to informants like Leonetti, and he loved his sons and they loved him. But as I suspected it seems like neither he nor Johnny wished for Joey Jr. & Michael to go against each other, let alone kill and maim one another. I just find it really interesting that Ciancaglini was advising Merlino & Mikey to go under Stanfa, it shows how Chickie feels about the rules. Although I don't think Philly is on the edge of an all-out war, I do think things are brewing. Narducci and his guys are one thing, so are the Pungitore's, but with Chickie back on the street, it is interesting to question if he's still loyal to Scarfo. And we know how Nicky Scarfo feels about Joey Merlino. Not only that, but one has to wonder how Chickie must feel at the fact that apparently Merlino & Mikey disobeyed him, which led to the death of one son, and the other becoming disabled. He could blame Merlino for all of that, and I don't see son siding against dad, if dad decided to move against Merlino, though anything is possible in the criminal underworld. I do know one thing, he doesn't have to act immediately either, if Chickie does actually take Mazzone's place, and Mazzone willfully steps down, and Johnny Chang remains underboss, the power now lies with the Ciancaglini's, not Merlino.

Just my two cents.