There is no doubt in my mind that conducting illegal business, without being caught, use to be a lot easier from the beginning , until the 1960's but, I am kind of surprised that the new generation hasn't developed new effective strategies to combat law enforcement.
I think the legends of LCN came up with some good ideas to always be 1 step ahead of the law but this generation is lagging only because common sense outsmarted their foes where today, you must be tech savvy!

(Anyone know who was first to use these 2 counter moves?)

#1 The walk and talk, with a personal spotter standing close by - this makes it basically impossible to ever hear what they are saying, unless the guy you are talking to has a recorder in his jacket pocket.

#2 Never mentioning the boss's name - Physical touching lets the guy you are talking to, know who you are referring to.

The thing I am trying to figure out is, even though technology is extremely advanced in 2014, why is it that all of the advantage should be on law enforcement's side?.......These guys have money at their disposal and should be able to beat these guys at their own game and stay a step ahead or at the very least, even!

For instance:

The boss of the family has his meetings at his designated spot, where ever but, his meetings are NEVER done in his voice....AND, the guy he is talking to is wearing headphones.....Something like this:


Incorporating stuff like this would never allow a bosses voice to ever incriminate himself.

OR, they could both just communicate to each other with 2 computers that are not connected to any online connection AND, they just read each others words.


What if the LCN guys got some tracking devices and hid them behind the bumpers of the agents they knew were tracking them?.....That way they would always know when they were coming.

Obviously I know that there is no full proof way to never get caught AND with so many low ranking guys that would rather flip than do big time just says to me that the underworld is in big need of a tech savvy boss who can pave the way for the next 50 years...Someone to acknowledge the mistakes of the past and LEARN from them because as it stands now, Law Enforcement is womping LCN! and has been for the past 20 years.