Originally Posted By: pimpanella
Take some wellbutrin it's anti-depressant that was oringally brought out to quit smoking

That has worked with some people, but I wouldn't really recommend it. My Mom used it when she quit and I told her if she could quit that I would do the same. The best is always just dropping them.

Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Serious question: What did you do to stop smoking? I created this bad habit about a year and a half ago from stress at work and I want to drop it ASAP before I am dead at 50.

Honestly bro I just quit cold turkey. I was one of those like others that quit all the time. But honestly you have to get your head right before attempting to quit. If you are going to find reasons to smoke (woman leaves you, you get laid off at work, etc.) then you will never quit.

I told myself that no matter how much I suffered and no matter what happens in life I was going to stop them no matter what. I refused every excuse to smoke, including when I was being tested for Lymphoma because they thought I had it. It wasn't easy that's for damn sure, but until you get your head right it's not even worth quitting yet. It's like when you have poison ivy and it's begging you to scratch it and you know you can't and you refuse to. You must do the same with this. After about 2-3 weeks it is gravy from there. Only once or twice a month do I even crave one and I pretty much hate to be around cig smoke anymore...

Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Opanas used to be one of the most abused prescription opiates in the US, back when the old, crushable formula was still around, but if you don't screw around with them, pretty much every opiate is good if used as prescribed

Yes I was on them then as well and had to change meds because there was a huge shortage when they changed the formula. They don't feel as strong now as they were, but they are still the best pain killer for me. And you are right, when you need them they are good for you. If I couldn't take anything I would probably be bedridden, and now I can get out and drive and work and you can't even tell I'm on anything.