Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
As a CAtholic, it disgusts me to see what liberals are doing in this country. And the fact there are alot of catholic liberals disgusts me even more.

I share your same views because I am a Catholic also. The Liberals are now saying we must be tolerant of Islam, yet it's offensive to see Christian symbols hanging around for the holidays?!?!? (that's kind of off topic but it goes into a wider spectrum.)

It's gotten to the point where I believe religion is going to factor in more seriously than political party in our distant future. AND for that reason, I say let the Hispanics in, but let them in LEGALLY. The majority of them only want to better their lives but the process of becoming documented takes such a long time that they say screw it and cross the border illegally (I can't blame them, if I had a cartel running a muck in my back yard killing innocent civilians I'd get the hell out of dodge too!) About 90% of them are Catholic, so along those lines I doubt they are going to stand up for Muslim tolerance when the shit actually hits the fan.

The liberals want to pet the Muslim lion until it turns around and bites them then are going to run back crying to mommy and daddy saying they didn't know they would do that. rolleyes

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"