I've been on benzos for almost 4 years now... at my peak I was taking between 2-5mg of xanax a day, then I switched to Klonopin (clonazepam) 2mg, tapered to 1, 0.5.. now I'm taking around 3mg of Valium a day, divided in two doses.. which is a really big decrease. I'm worried about having permanent effects from my benzo use... it's just one of those scary thoughts I try to leave at the back of my mind.

On top of that I've also been addicted to prescription opiates for 3 years, also tapered to a minimum. I've been making good progress the last 6 months, but recently I've been losing my motivation. The thing is, I'm only in my twenties. This all happened after a major spinal surgery I had about 3 years ago.

All I want to say about the opiates is how dangerously addictive they are. I tried them first when I was about 18, it was codeine.. then Oxy, etc, etc. Some of the highs have honestly been probably the best feeling I've ever had or will have, and I've done a lot of things.
Thank god though at least I never injected anything, never went down that road. Unless you got iron willpower, you should never try to get high on opiates.

-I shot him a coupla' times.
-What's a couple?
-Hmm, more than a couple... Really I don't know the exact amount, maybe I shot him 10 times, 12 times?
-Maybe fifteen?
-Hmm, it could've been fifteen...

-Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso