Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
You have to admit Dixie, Unions also played a part in driving the jobs overseas. When you ask for too much and pension plans become unsustainable of course the work is going to go some place cheaper.

I'm not saying I support migrant labor in fact I hate it. But this isn't solely union related, and states that make you join a union have just as many problems as ones that are right to work. In my opinion we need to close this fuckin border already. Enough with these Latinos hopping fences and no I do not want the rest of the 11 million undocumented immigrants pardoned or given any privileges. Did the Italians, Irish, Polish, Jews, and Germans get any SS or welfare when they came here? I don't think so. Then add in the fact they came to the United States properly

Oh I agree with that too. When the unions got into the mob's pockets it ruined a good bit of the country. The unions must raise wages and fees to pay for the "Mafias bank". Especially when you had unions that didn't even provide work. But you have to admit, my wife's job up North would pay her 2-3x what she makes here. Now I know wages are higher up North as is cost of living, etc. but still that is why people are flocking to right to work states.

Honestly I think if you sell shit in America, you should have your factories here with American labor. We need Americans working.

As for your immigrant comments I agree. We need to close the border down tight and kick all the illegals out. I also agree with you on the SS issue, why do they deserve it when others here have to fight for it and work until they are almost dead themselves to even get it. We are being treated like the Indians were when we started settling in America, the ones that were already here and staked their claim are being pushed out and outnumbered by aliens.

But we need a president that will finally take pride in America and force companies to start giving Americans work making American shit. When companies like Burger King flock to Canada to pay less taxes (like many many others) they should be charged triple just to be able to do business in America. We have to do something to keep the jobs here bottom line.

And blacksheep I agree with you too. This new generation of kids think they don't have to work and are too damn entitled. I'm only 34 but I was forced to buy my own vehicle at 16, and if I wanted those name brand clothes I had to buy them myself. I'm sure others here done the same. That doesn't mention the "free labor" from about 8 on I provided to my old man and his job. But too many these days think digging ditches are Mexican work and they are "above it". Hell I remember almost having 2 or 3 heat strokes from hand digging holes for poles at work. At one time within 30 minutes I could dig a 6.5 foot hole by myself (granted it wasn't big, just deep). Throwing around 8.5 foot post hole diggers are no joke. But doing that dirty work then got me what I have today in less hard work, but more dangerous work with more pay. We were hiring in guys then that we would run off because I was only 19 and training guys twice my age, but that was the way I was raised too.

This is the "what can you do for me" generation instead of the older style of thinking of "go out and work for it" and it's sad.