
I will throw out that I believe this ring paid tribute to Mousie and then when Mousie went away to prison on his NJ State charges, I believe this ring then paid tribute to Staino (per my NJ State Trooper friends I grew up with, they say there wasn't enough evidence to charge the mob guys because they were so insulated within this particular ring and they also said that their #1 priority in this case was busting the NJ State Troopers that were working as Bookmakers while on the job, they didn't even particularly care about the mob guys as long as they had solid cases against their own rogue, corrupt troopers- they also didn't want to hand this case over to the FBI, as the FBI had requested of them, because they were really embarrassed at the level of corruption their own had participated in aka Bookmaking while being a NJ State Trooper, so they wanted to handle this case internally to limit and control the embarrassment of one of their own working as a major bookmaker in South Jersey). I also believe that Wayne Gretzky was placing major bets within this ring through his wife to insulate himself as he was Head Coach of the Phoenix Coyotes at the time and gambling while being a head coach is a major infraction that could have cost him big time!

Those are my thoughts and beliefs from what I have gathered....

Last edited by DanteMoltisanti; 12/20/14 06:48 AM.