Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
yes, I understand what you mean by manziel being a lighting rod, however I think we will see him be a negative influence for the team.

it's a team game, and, I don't think he knows what that means, and I share the head coaches concern about his size.

I guess we will just have to wait and see. oh, and by the way Andrew luck has some success running as does kappernicht In S.F.

I agree Manziel is a "me" guy and not a team guy. He came off as a spoiled rich kid in college and has done nothing to quell that image since being drafted in May.

While Luck can move, he's still a pocket passer. And Kaepernick is a runner, but he's another mobile QB whose team is not getting better because of him. He's actually regressed this year. We'll see how he gets along with the next coach once Harbaugh leaves.