There are also many Sicilians who emigrated to San Diego to work in the tuna industry. They keep expanding the streets of their Little Italy it is growing. Every year we would gather for a convention type meeting or a picnic and bocce tournament through the churches (Italian Catholic Fed) throughout California. San Diego, Orange County, LA County, Palm Desert/Springs, and sometimes ppl would come down from San Francisco area. San Francisco by far had the most Italians. We would visit SF and sometimes we would eat at a "Real Joint" as my pops would say cuz of its wiseguy presence. As far as southern California goes many Italians moved out of the LA County area to Orange County but most of thr people who live in CA now are east coast transplants.
Growing up I know for sure there were wiseguys out here from northern Jersey, NY area some ended up in Vegas.

And the native CA people did NOT like us at first but now they all want to be Italian.
Native CA cops still cannot stand NY or Jersey Italians. I can tell you a story or too.