Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
well mark, the Cleveland situation is worse, they had a chance for a good season, but, decided to start the bumpkin. now, after he stunk up the joint they are going to start johnny "the bumpkin" again. at least the bears will be up again in a year or two, Cleveland staked their whole franchise on this johnny clown.

That's a completely inaccurate statement. The Browns organization is not staked to Manziel. They have a 2 rookie RBs, a WR druggie who has been suspended twice in two years, and are on their 4th center of the season. Their defense has been decimated by injuries. Expecting a rookie QB to succeed in that type of scenario is idiotic.

I live in Cleveland and have followed the team for decades. Manziel was named the starter in the 15th week of the season. The head coach resisted putting Manziel in as long as possible because he knew Manziel was not ready. In fact, Manziel was not nameduntil they deemed themselves to be out of the playoff race at 7-6 in an extremely competitive division. Furthermore, Manziel was named only after Hoyer played himself out of the starting role and Hoyer's confidence had eroded to nothing.

Manziel, to a large degree, is a media hype player. He's a lightning rod and is the biggest NFL hype since Tebow. The Browns owner forced the GM to draft Manziel. Both the GM and head coach had concerns about Manziel's maturity and size. And by the way Manziel's first start went, those concerns appear to be very justified. Manziel does himself no favors with his brashness and his reported poor prepration habits.

Running QBs were supposed to be the next big thing 2-3 years ago. Now look at the running QBs like Griffin, Colin K., and Vick. They're yesterday's news. Only Russell Wilson is having success as a running QB, but it's because he can also stand in the pocket and he has one of the league's best RBs. The pocket passers like Luck, Manning, Brees, and Brady may not be all flash, but they're the only type of QB that has consistenly won in the NFL.