Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Of course it matters where you are from. You are seriously bullshitting yourself if you believe some dude from england could possibly understand neighborhood life, growing up in chicago, new york, or jersey.

You know what I love about this quote?

Check out Little Nicky's 'Location': Midwest.

Now LN, I think you just got caught with your foot in your mouth.

And if that doesnt wok for you LN, tell me again how a Detroit 'neighbourhood' guy knows about the ins-n-outs of top end Philly?

See? England geographically means as much to Philly, as Detroit.

Or maybe even the Midwest.....

MORGAN: Why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? I'm not goin' now, I'm eatin' my snack.
CHUCKIE: Morgan, Let's go.
MORGAN: I'm serious Chuckie, I ain't goin'.
WILL: So don't go.