Dixie....where to start? First of all, Vicodin and lortab are the same medicine and neither are even sold by drug reps because they are generic drugs (hydrocodone) and have been generic for years. I can assure you that there are no kickbacks. Opana is available in two forms...I hope you are on the ER version for your sake. If you have other questions or comments about pain meds or otherwise, I would be happy to answer them....seriously. Pain is a very serious subject...but all this talk of kickbacks and enticements is all bs...if you believe otherwise, that's your prerogative, but it doesn't happen...unless you consider a lunch to be enticement...the truth is reps aren't even allowed to leave a pen or pad in a doctor's possession....trying talking to Ted Kennedy or Nutsy Pelosi without coughing up 50k...that's ok, but let a physician accept a pen, and you are breaking the rules..that may make sense to some here, though I'm sure.