Quit trying to twist my words, I just used the Loratab/Vicodin deal as an example. Drug reps are promising junkets for a reason, but I guess it's all scouts honor eh? Or let me guess, certain doctors just think Loratabs are just that great? Get real, like I've said I've seen doctors refuse to change meds for folks (including myself) just because they promised to write only one type of med. You tell me why? They must know about all those healing powers the drug makers don't tell us about.

I know all about pain killers too, I have to take Opana daily for my spinal issues so you are pissing in the wind trying to prove I know nothing about pain killers. Have had to take them for almost 10 years now, and started at Loracet and moved up the ladder to what I'm on now before finally finding one that lets me function like I need to with minimal problems all because I found a doctor that doesn't sell out. If you think there are absolutely no kickbacks then yes you are naive. They don't spend all that money to get doctors to write scripts for their product for no reason. If it is that good they don't need to sell it and give shit away to get doctors to write it.

Again I'm not saying every single doctor does this, but it happens a whole lot more than you will admit. And yes to those who ACTUALLY hurt, Vicodin and Loratabs are mild. To the dopehead down the street who is snorting it, no it isn't.

Last edited by dixiemafia; 12/17/14 04:58 PM.