Originally Posted By: oldschool3
Amen....and no one is getting paid to give or not to give them to you....that is pure nonsense...lunches, dinners or any food is not going to coerce any physician to prescribe a certain medicine over another.

Boy you are very naive if you think that way. My best friend is a RN and has told me many stories of drug reps and their relationships with doctors. Why do you think they treat the doctors so good? It's not because they think their drug is THAT GOOD. If a doctor has a patient in that has some extreme pain and his thoughts come down to a mild pain killer like Loratab or Vicodin but he knows if he writes enough Loratab's that the rep will send him to Vegas what do you think he would write that patient? And you think that is perfectly fine and he doesn't gain from that? You really need to wake up dude.

And I agree on the benzos. I take Valium for when I travel on storms (10mg I think?) as I used to get anxiety when I travel on long trips and still do at times so I take one and relax. Most of the ones that have problems are taking a shitload and then have to stop for one reason or another and that's why it's so dangerous, just as it is for most pills that are strong in one way or another.