Originally Posted By: BAM_233
Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
And now there is a big hashtag going around about #illridewithyou. Leave it to liberals. Right after a tragedy committed by muslims happens the first thing they do is defend islam and muslims. Fuck the victims right? The left in the world has gone nuts. Soon enough this horse shit will be rampant in America. Seriously, any moderate who votes democrat deserves the worst as far as I am concerned.

Seriously? So, protecting a group of people who might be attacked/harassed because of their religion makes you liberal/nuts? If anything it makes them decent human beings, not a stupid political side.

It has to be for the right reasons. If it's just so you can be politically correct and ignore the evergrowing problem then it's plain idiocy. What happened in Australia is not something to be ignored.

I'm not saying attack Muslims, but why on earth would you focus on them when you have two people dead and Australia on high alert for these kinds of attacks by radical Muslims?