Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
it's 2014, if you're unaware of the dangers of benzo's, opiates and/or sleeping pills that's on you. this fake idea that so many who run into problems push that it was the doctor's fault is transparent bullshit. most of the time, it's not the dr pushing narcotics on unsuspecting patients, it's patients pushing dr's to prescribe narcotics. oh yeah, give me a break about benzo withdrawl in the short term. if you have been taking a normal, moderate dosage for a few weeks, you will be a bit uncomfortable and have some problems sleeping. if you gulped down the entire 30 1mg pills in a few days, don't cry!

There you go. When you're doctor shopping under three different names, the problem may just be the man in the mirror. Now there's no denying how addictive these pills can be. But taken responsibly, they do A LOT more good than bad.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.