my 2 cebt son jr. kid was raised around killers he went to mmiltary school, read he was a good boxer the dude is huge like beast mode I wouldn't wan to fight that guy. shit if your in a cell with him theres no escape. and he stabbed a kid do death in a bar brawl. greedy probably, hot head yes roids yes. but he made a shit load of money from 1988 till he went in 99. that masion is fucking bananas. ocean front. I bet hes still involved. why hasn't gene ever been to prison around here. they had the guy in new Orleans wtf. bobby manna been in new jersey for 20yrs. the feds knew he was still caling shots to. he old surprised he not here at fort devens that's only 4 hours from queens. wheres pete and john caring. pete gotti was offerd 10 years for all his rackets and didt take it he bben home 3 4 yearsago.