Originally Posted By: stern49
They are legalized dope pushers! pmac, you sound like you have been through benzo withdrawal yourself. Sorry to hear that.
Originally Posted By: Benny3Balls
I never heard of prescribing xanax for pain. Anxiety, panic attacks, and in conjuction with one of the antidepressants for depression. Valium has more of a muscle relaxing action to it so some people got them for back spasm pain and it's used for alcohol withdrawl but up to now i never heard of xanax being prescribed for pain.

You have to be careful with all the benzo's, you don't think they're a big deal until you stop taking them, espescially if you took them for any length of time.

Valium does have a muscle relaxer in it and does have a long half life (about 12 hours) compared to Koldapin which is prescribed a lot for anxiety and whether people want to hear this or not Bi-Polar Disorders.
Xanax is the strongest benzodiazepine and has a short half life of about on 4 hours per 1 mg.

Librium(s) are used to get off of benzos; doctors think if you take that for a week you can just ween yourself off.

Nutella !!! Nutella!!! I want my Nutella!!!


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