the problem with the dislike for for him is ..he was very abusive, talked down to most everybody, he gave no respect to the old timers.. greedy , thats why he got pinched with scores, he was not the least bit humble, he was faking his way through only because of the power he held, his closest guys hated trials he gave up his uncle pete, pushed blame with names all over the cases, most important he gave up cosa nostra, he said he was in the mafia but quit..that is ratting..then comes out he meets with the G and wants to give up certain guys..he ratted again..60 minutes was all bullshit.. he went on 60 minutes..he made speeches outside court..if the mob lets you walk away with millions ..shut up and live life, not keep talking about a life you that he realized he does not like prison food and can't order anyone around anymore..,hey i can keep going.. i am looking forward to alites book...they will call him a liar, but most stuff is true..he was around and very close to jr forever....hope that helps..