Absolutely. I think that your theory definitely would fit the bill. I don't get the impression the feud is finished, even though almost all of the main players in the former Martha crew are dead now. It seems that more heads of Moroccan and Antillean key players are going to roll.

But the thing that makes this gang war so noticable is that the hits are done in such an unprofessional manner, not unlike what we see in Marseille between the Algerian crime bosses over there. In the past the Dutch, Turkish, Serb and Chinese hits were all extremely professional. Almost none of them were solved. But the Moroccan hits going on right now mostly lead to inexperienced young guys like Rida Bennajem who desperately want to belong to the big guys. Those kids have tons of arrogance and are prone to violent behavior, but at the end of the day they don't have the necessary brains and skills. Kids like these are used by the big gangsters in their community to do the dirty work resulting in loud, abrasive and plain unnecessary explosions of violence. And at the end of the day those young guys don't get any of the money they thought they had earned, are immediately signalled by the cops and have to go on the run. Or worse, are executed by the bigger gangsters before they start talking to the police.
Like Montreal, this will continue to go on for a long time. And now with the Hans Nijman hit the traditional Amsterdam underworld has also made it known that they're still around.

And I wonder what is going on with Etous Belserang? It has been exceptionally quiet about him. He's one of Martha's former childhood friends and survived one or more assassination attempts. He's also a shady individual, reputedly holding lots of influence in criminal Moluccan spheres (who as a community as a whole don't have the same bad name the Moroccans and the Antilleans have. Rightfully so, because on the streets they don't at all cause the same nuissance some Moroccan kids can cause. But their community is extremely secluded, more so than the Moroccan one. And there are individuals within Moluccan communities that are involved in shady practices. Examples are the so-called "Tattoo killers" with whom Belserang reputedly had links or the raids in the Moluccan neighborhood of Maastricht last year where traces of illegal gambling were discovered as well as an amount substances used to manufacture synthetic drugs). And even though Belserang is a leader of an outlaw motorcycle gang, he was more seen being driven around in cars such as Range Rovers than he is seen riding a motorcycle himself.