Yeah right now there's a lot of speculation on what exactly the big picture is. Nothing is really certain. Samir's death may or may not have something to do with the Martha-conflict. I think that, as you point out, there is a connection. But Bouyakhrichan apparently made more enemies than just the ones he had in Amsterdam.

Either way, the media is having a ball right now lol
They're not that fond of Moroccans anyways. And now that there is something going on that can be labelled the "Moroccan mafia" they've really found their new gangland cash cow. The Moroccans aren't the only ones active in Amsterdam though and I'm sure they're not the only ones to cash in on the cocaïne trade. Other groups, some of whom may also be Moroccan but a lot of whom are not, are flying under the radar. The traditional Dutch Amsterdam underworld doesn't have the same exposure it used to have. And they don't have a monopoly on criminal rackets anymore. But they're also still active. And I would be surprised if Hans Nijman's murder wouldn't have anything to do with them. The Turks also had a new gangland killing recently.

But the Dutch, the Turks, the Serbs,...they're all old news, something people have seen before. The Moroccans, Antilleans and Moluccans are fresh talent to add to the ethnic criminal landscape. So the media is undoubtedly going to exploit that.