My point of view?

The Moroccan criminals killing each other off are the result of the fear and paranoia within the underworld which not only involves Dutch-Moroccans. The "lost transport" in 2012 has something to do with it, but it probably wasn't the first transport that turned out to be a major fuckup. It is assumed that one of the transport "organizers" had gathered a whole lot of "investers". The group that organized the transport was Dutch-Moroccan, but the investers came from all over the Dutch underworld: presumably connected to the transport by means of investment were Moroccan, Antillean and Moluccan groups from Amsterdam and Rotterdam, an Antillean criminal organization based in The Hague, a Dutch Traveller organization from the South Holland/Rotterdam area, as well as well-entrenched ethnic Dutch groups from Amsterdam (such as the Danny K. group). Other non-Netherlands based gangs connected to the transports were a British and an Irish group and a Colombian criminal organization. All of the connected gangs had a lot to win from the transport(s) and invested a lot of money in it. Money they now lost thanks to the transport fuckups.

It is assumed that the group surrounding Gwenette Martha, now dead, was behind the theft of the load cocaine the Dutch-Moroccan gang imported. Martha's group also had a lot of Moroccan members and in effect most of the casualties are Moroccan. That's why the media labels it the "Moroccan mafia war". These guys are all killing each other off out of fear for their own lives. Before the transport ever got organized it is said that one of the members of the Moroccan group told each and every investor that he could hold him accountable if the transport would go wrong. And boy did it go wrong.

Last edited by TheKillingJoke; 12/13/14 10:34 AM.