While the media mostly concentrates on the "Moroccan war" as they call it, the Amsterdam-based native Dutch networks are at it as well. A well known MMA fighter was killed, presumably because he knew too much sensitive information on the network surrounding Danny K.

Former Pride Grand Prix fighter Hans Nijman shot to death in front of his gym

Hans Nijman, best known in MMA circles for being one of the participants in the 2000 Pride World Grand Prix tournament, was shot to death on Wednesday in front of a gym he partially owned in Holland in what was reported in the local media as a gangland killing.

Hans Nijman, a kickboxer and pro wrestler in Japan who fought in the now-legendary Pride Open Weight Grand Prix tournament in 2000, was shot to death on Wednesday while in his car in front of a gym he partially owned in Beverwijk, Holland, according to multiple Dutch media reports.

Nijman was 55.

There was conjecture the shooting was mob related. It took place just before 10 p.m. local time that night. People in the area reported hearing shots from automatic weapons. Two vehicles were later found on fire at a car park that was then sealed off. Dutch news sources labeled it a gangland killing.

It was reported in the local media regarding the death that Nijman’s name had come up in a number of investigations into drug dealing and blackmail. He was also reportedly linked with Dino Soerel, who is reputed to be an Amsterdam crime boss.

The killing came at a time when Fred Ros, who knew Nijman from his gym, was testifying for the government in a major gangland trial in Amsterdam.

Nos TV in Holland reported that another former kickboxer, pro wrestler and MMA fighter, Dick Vrij, who co-owned the Top Team gym, was in voluntary police custody after learning over the summer that his life could be in danger.
