Even after 15 deaths in the past two years, the Amsterdam police think that the series of executions in the Amsterdam gang war is far from over.

In an interview with De Telegraaf Police Chief Pim Jansonius and prosecutor Jeroen van Berkel of the “anti-execution team” say that fear that the violence in the underworld will not slow down. “It is in our view no longer about missing cocaine. It sometimes involves paranoid behavior of leaders, who think that they are on a death list and therefore choose for the flight ahead. Self executing their supposed enemy.”

In the coming time the police wants to disturb the underworld by raiding lounges, coffee shops and restaurants. “But we can not promise that the killings will stop tomorrow.” said the police and prosecutor.

Technical traces to notorious murders in the criminal circuit are often difficult to find. “Partly because the getaway cars are set on fire”, says Jansonius. Suspects, relatives and friends of the victims also have “a very low willingness to cooperate”. “Many victims come from the environment. Almost no one dares to say anything.”