These killings all have to do with a war between two Amsterdam-based criminal organizations mostly composed of local Dutch-Moroccan (and to a lesser extent Antillean, Moluccan and native Dutch) criminals. The rip-off of 200 kilos of cocaine at the port of Antwerp in 2012 is at the centre of these gangland killings. Everyone involved in this case is getting killed off.


There is a bigger network of young Dutch-Moroccan criminals in The Netherlands than previously thought. Not dozens but hundreds of youths are in this web of drug dealers, gunmen, executers and facilitators. This group is tied to at least six executions and several extremely violent robberies in The Netherlands and in Antwerp, according to a police investigation.

The investigation followed a wave of executions that started in 2012. These youths went on the rampage in The Netherlands and then escaped to Morocco where they could be untouchable. Morocco does not extradite nationals.

A new treaty should put an end to that. Morocco does not want to be a hiding place for denizens that committed crimes abroad, and will now allow Moroccans to be prosecuted and punished according to Moroccan law. Minister Opstelten of Security and Justice did demand that the death sentence be scrapped for these cases.

The first Moroccan criminal who has been tried under this new treaty is Hamza B. The 26-year old is one of the suspects of a double-execution in the Staatsliedenbuurt in Amsterdam on the 29th of December, 2012. Two Moroccan-Dutch in their 20s were killed. The suspects shot at the police with a machine gun.

According to De Volkskrant, the vendettas and feuds in this group of organized criminals is called the Maroc (or Mocro) War. A war that started in Antwerp in 2012 with an argument over 200 kilos of cocaine. Drugs that were seized by Belgian customs officers. The Flemish-Moroccan family (known as ‘The Turtles’) that was receiving this shipment did not know it had been seized. They were blamed for stealing the drugs. Once the Belgian authorities reported the seizure, the drug cartel was already divided.

This argument was behind the assassination of Dutch-Morrocan Najeb Bouhbouh in October of 2012. The event fueled several more executions in The Netherlands, including the one in Amsterdam, and the assassination of underworld king pin Gwenette Martha in Amstelveen in May.