GOTTI was not going be second to no one... paul knew john was a problem for years , most everyone knew john would be boss or try to be.. the surprise was john killed him knowing paul was going to prison.. deccio, john et. al. could have made a non violent coup after paul was convicted.. went to the commish, presented the captains case to them and paul would have been taken down, paul did not have the support of any of the worker crews in the family..he may have thought he did .paul was neutralized..fialla and marino were doing nothing if it went that way.. and forget this zip loyalty to paul..john gambino was a major drug dealer ,with gotti's crew already up to their necks in the drug biz..john gambino would have a permit.. johns ego needed to slaughter paul and tommy..make a huge historic splash..bigger that A.A. getting killed in a barber chair.. john never followed cosa nostra, he only talked it on tape. frank deccio made it all possible..without frank john can not get away with it without a war..frank knew he would die for it...and he did