Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
And to IvyLeague, there isn't nearly anything reported or heard through guys who claim to be "in the know" about Kansas City and any made, or connected guys running any loansharking or gambling, though. I've seen a few, and by a few I mean two or three articles. And no one really talks about Kansas City, it's always been like that due to them being a small family, but they really still made noise and headlines back in the day. Now? Really not so much. They got hit with Attrition a lot more harder than Detroit did, I think. You still here a little bit of those things about Detroit, not a lot, but definitely more than Kansas City.

There was a mob-related bookmaking bust in Kansas City back in 2010. I agree that what's left of the mob in Detroit is stronger than what's left in Kansas City. My point was that there still being mob guys involving in gambling and loansharking in a certain area isn't necessarily indicative of a strong family still in place, which is what was being argued in regards to Detroit.

And is it possible that the reason some of Scott's charts had fluctuated is because he may have been counting associates as well? Even if, 25-30 made guys is still enough for a substantial crew and for them to be making money through shylocking and gambling/bookkeeping, and through legal ventures like they've done in the past. And some have stated on this forum that Detroit is pretty damn near defunct, some going as far as saying they have no presence in the city. We've never claimed Detroit was some huge army, at least I haven't. I don't think Scott has either nor any of his sources if you read some of the quotes they've made to him. But they also don't imply that they're out there on their last breath either. I think there's still a quite substantial pool from these guys to draw from simply because most of them are related, some of the numerous young nephews and cousin's friends may be drawn to the Detroit Mob life as well, especially if a lot of them see and understand the closeness of the Family and how they've managed to stay low and out of federal prisons while still making money.

Well, if you're going to make a list of made guys, you obviously shouldn't include associates. Or you should at least say that the list also includes associates. Scott's never done that. The impression has always been that everyone, except for the one or two non-Italians listed, are made. Like I said, I think he puts everyone on there because he's not exactly sure about many of them. But when his lists show twice as many members as other estimates, any objective observer has to question it. By the way, Scott himself has said that it doesn't appear that the upcoming generation in Detroit will have many who will join the life.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.