Tonino Callocchia's funeral was today.

According to the article to which I've linked below and that I ran through Google Translate--see copy-and-paste results a bit farther below--representatives of the Sollecito family went to the funeral-home visitation on the weekend; Leonardo Rizzuto was at the funeral Mass today.


So if Callocchia seemed to be on good terms with Leonardo Rizzuto and the Sollecito family, why wasn't Callocchia's visitation at the Loreto instead of at the Alfred Dallaire? (Incidentally, the journalist who stated last week that Callocchia's visitation would be at the Laval location of Magnus Poirier got the information wrong.)


Translation (using Google Translate):

QMI Agency
08-12-2014 | 16h57 updated: 08-12-2014 | 4:57 p.m.

LAVAL - The funeral of mafia Tonino Callocchia were held in the utmost discretion in the Church of Our Lady of Divine Love-Laval on Monday afternoon.

The whole ceremony was held in Italian in front of a hundred people, including several related to the Montreal Mafia.

The 53-year-old charge of illegal loans in the greater Montreal area was shot in Rivière-des-Prairies restaurant last Monday after being lured into a trap.

During the entire time of the funeral, several close to the one we nicknamed Tony Coloc paid tribute to him.

As usual, the police intelligence services have posted several agents to take photos of those who came to show their respect to career criminal as the head of a construction company.


One of his three daughters came to thank him publicly for having encouraged to continue studying law and become a lawyer. The celebrant, in their early thirties, even read a letter in which he referred to the Rizzuto family.
The mere mention of the name of the Montreal ex-sponsor discrete sparked reactions from the crowd.

Although our sources say Callocchia began to back the new leaders of the Montreal Mafia, we learned that emissaries of the Sollecito family went to the funeral home this weekend.

However, Stefano Sollecito, heir tipped to become the next godfather, was not seen at the funeral.

By cons, Leonardo Rizzuto, the only surviving son of Vito Rizzuto, entered breezed into the church dressed simply in jeans and a short coat.

Two men present at the Alfred Dallaire Funeral threatened to attack our photographer. Another spat on him shortly before the cortege moves off.