Originally Posted By: mulberry
Half those guys are probably over 70 years old. I don't see where they can recruit 150 associates from. Plus they are not based in Detroit and haven't been for decades. Most of them live in the surrounding suburbs like Grosse Point.

This also doesnt mean much, the suburban thing. Geographical shifts have aided the mob in this era. Lets not forget Squitieri and Meagle, who operated a large crew, uninterrupted for 10 years, in Westchester County, despite themselves being based in NJ and CT. Luccheses & Bonnano's have always operated with significant success in Long Island. This also goes for Boston & NE, people inaccurately claiming their dead and extinct because the supposed boss is based in Rhode Island. Operating in a nearby affluent suburb doesn't mean the guys there are no longer NY Families. This goes for Detroit and everyone else whos still around and in which sources have pointed to them still operating on an organized scale.

@IvyLeague, the discussion is whether they're dead or not. I dont recall ever seeing many people claim they were this huge operating gambit, but people on this forum have been saying exact claims of Detroit being defunct and inactive. And I think the Kansas City comparison is way off, personally. Like by a lot.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 12/08/14 05:49 AM.