Originally Posted By: Belmont
The cop did not get indicted.
First, let me reiterate my stance on Ferguson. I totally agree with the no indictment, that cop was doing his job and defending himself. No way that was racially motivated. No offense to the michael brown family but he was a worthless piece of shit. End of story.
Todays decision NOT to indict the staten island cop !!! I am Shocked. He most certainly should of been indicted. I do not think race played a part, i just think the cop watched too many UFC matches and probably took some half assed martial arts classes a d was dying to see if a choke hold could put someone to sleep. So the guy dies even after saying he couldnt breath. That was negligent homicide in my opinion and i am actually bothered by that grand jury decision.

My two cents. The scales of Justice are depicted as "blind" or as blindfolded for a reason. Everyone on each side is looking at the colors of the actors involved and making judgements partially based on that. We need to just look at the facts.

The facts are that the guy was resisting arrest initially.

The facts are also that a banned choke hold was used to subdue him, a choke hold the officer had to know was potentially lethal. The same type of choke hold resulted in the death of another civilian, one Anthony Baez.

The facts are that while the man went through convulsions, he apparently was ignored.

So that is a homicide followed by negligence of his asthmatic medical condition.....negligent homicide. If you want to call it reckless manslaughter, go right ahead. It's fine by me.

In Ferguson, let's forget color for a moment.

The facts are that the kid (Brown) was trying to bully and intimidate people around him. The facts are that he and his friend were walking in the center of the street, which is what attracted the cop's attention in the first place. The facts are that he and his friend were commanded to get out of the street and get onto the sidewalk immediately. They refused. The cop lost his temper.

The facts are that there was some sort of struggle at the window of the police car most likely initiated by the police officer. I do not believe Wilson started punching Brown. He must have grabbed for him like the affidavits attested.

The facts are that Brown most likely struggled to get away. Did he throw a punch at the officer as was claimed? We don't know. All we know for absolute certainty was that Officer Wilson did not suffer any noticeable injuries to his face after the fact, much less a collapsed optical orbit as some claimed.

The facts are that there was gunpowder residue on the young man which indicates that the gun was drawn and went off at the window of the car.

The facts are that Brown was then killed and finished off a full 150 feet from the police cruiser. This implies that after whatever happened at the window of the police cruiser, Brown fled and for whatever reason stopped fleeing while he was being shot at.

Witnesses say that when he was hit by the first bullets, he stopped to surrender, and was then summarily executed.

The facts are that when Brown dropped, his body was facing Wilson and the police cruiser. Officer Wilson says Brown turned to charge him like a bull. That is extremely unlikely. If it is not true, then he fired the last fatal shots into a man that was in fact already wounded and incapable of further aggression.

The people who feel Brown was served justice are actually saying that if you for whatever reason physically fight an officer of the law with your bare hands, you deserve to be executed by gun and not arrested for your crime.

They are saying that because Brown possibly punched a cop through the window of his cruiser in the heat of the moment of a confusing altercation, and then ran, that the cop was right to then draw his gun and attempt to kill the fleeing suspect.

Since when does a cop have the right to kill someone fleeing?

The moment Brown turned away from Wilson and ran, ending the altercation at the police cruiser, Wilson's lawful claim that the killing was self defense ended right there.

Sorry, if you are a cop, you don't have the "right" to get revenge on someone who punched you by shooting them dead.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."