I'd suggest searching for Scotts post, regardless of what anyone else says, it his city. And his Law enforcement sources and the undesirables he's contacted in the past, have a completely different angle than what most people on this forum itself, tend to portray. In my opinion, they aren't doing things on a major scale but they also arent as dead as some make it out to be.

Also, the fact they've had one informant who was a made guy (Nove Tocco), throughout their entire history, why is it so far fetched that they still might maintain somewhat of a power base there? They were never inflicted with many of the cases the NY families, Philadelphia or Chicago, had to deal with. And not one of their recent bosses died in jail, they died old and happy in their own homes surrounded by family. Are we supposed to believe these guys completely turned their lives around or didnt set up a base before they died, and just said "This thing dies eith us", when they have sons, and nephews still involved and depend on traditional mob scams to make money? I dont know about drugs, but its an almost fact that they still contribute in a large part to Detroits sports betting and loansharking. That's a lot more than what most Mob families in the states can say.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 12/06/14 07:24 AM.