Originally Posted By: The Last Woltz
I really don't understand why many people in this thread think Sonny was well-suited for an undercover mission.

He was the least discreet person in the entire Family and the most ill-suited for a mission that required deception and subtlety.

Ya got that right! From a purely temperamental standpoint - though not from a strategic standpoint - Michael would have been the logical choice for such a mission. IF he had been involved in the family business at that point, that is.

Michael's intelligence; his cunning; his innate courage, poise, and self-confidence; his instinctual political savvy; and his military experience made him ideally suited for a reconnaissance mission.

~ Q

Last edited by Questadt; 12/01/14 12:28 PM.

"A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns."