Originally Posted By: Footreads
Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
I should have written It was released on DVD too. Oops.

I would have loved to hear Vincent tell THAT story. Too bad he decided not to say anything.

Never listened to that radio show. Did you get a free "Broccoli wad"? LMAO when I saw a clip of Pastore talkin about how he wants to sell that. The good ole' broccoli rubber bands, old school.

Pastore was with the inventer of that broccoli thing on that show called shark tank trying to get financing for it.

Something wrong with a rubber band?

Money clips are fine unless you like to carry 3000 thousand on you in cash all the time.

I have a wallet it starts off small then some how turns into a Constanza smile

I always put a rubber band around it. Because Mr. paranoid always thinking I don't want it pick picked. Put a rubber band you can feel it if someone try's to steal it.

But I don't have to worry about it any more because the fucking thing is too big for my pants pocket. So unless they can cut my pants leg to get at it I have it.

You should see me try to get it out of my pocket to get something out of it. I do keep some money in a money clip when I need cash.

So he went on Shark tank oh man how embarrassing

What's wrong with a rubber band?
You are right Foots the rubber band really helps keep the wallet from moving.

As a kid I remember my nonna keeping the rubber bands on the doorknob and the men taking them especially if there was a broccoli rubber band that would be gone in no time
Many of the Italian men used to carry their 'scarole that's what they used to call it, nobody used a wallet. They'd take it out of their pocket, then reach in for some change to give us kids and then tell us now SCRAM.

Don't give them a wallet...forget about it. That was strictly for a drivers license and a couple photos. With the cash, it was easy to pay for something 1,2,3

Over here in CA in my neighborhood you never see a guy carrying cash like that.

One time my Pops was ironing his money. I caught him. I said now I have seen everything.