Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
Originally Posted By: HuronSocialAthletic
No the Chinatown crew still exists, it's just barely surviving though. There is no more formal Melrose Park Crew.

I dunno about that. The Bridgeport neighborhood that the Chinatown crew historically farmed/farms from is completely depleted of Italians, primarily YOUNG Italians. There's a reason that crew is on the outs, and it certainly is not due to a lack of action. Meanwhile the Chinese population is strong & growing, so do the math.

But ask yourself this: is it just a coincidence that the only places they openly smoke inside at in Chicago is Richard's and The former Three Happiness karaoke??? Hmmmm....

Wtf is the Three Happiness Karaoke?

Scorsese...that bust I initially figured had to do with human trafficking, but I would think Homeland Security Investigations would be involved...which it wasn't. Strange that we got no explanation.