Originally Posted By: slumpy
I realize you claim to have no political leanings one way or the other (and I believe that, when it comes to questions between Republicans/Democrats - which are really just two sides of the same coin), but let's not pretend your views aren't coloured by a conservative bias. That much is obvious. America itself tends towards a conservative bias, I mean, the Democrats in Canada would be more rightwing than our Tory party.

And it's been clear from your very first post that you're a left leaning European with a clear bias against Americans. I wasn't going to mention it. But since you're giving yourself away here, why not?

And you're as entitled to your liberal worldview as anyone else. But until you've lived in this country and walked these neighborhoods, I'm sorry, but your opinion just doesn't matter all that much to me. You're a foreigner, plain and simple. That doesn't mean you're a bad guy. As a matter of fact I find your posts to be well written and intelligent. But when it comes to what goes on in America, I'd rather bang heads with Cook County. I don't like him, he doesn't like me. But he's an American. And by virtue of his birthright, his opinion (as retarded as I believe it to be) is going to mean more to me than that of a left leaning Englishman.

Originally Posted By: slumpy
You're a smart man, but set in your ways and put too much emphasis on information conveyed by sources that are intrinsically misleading; the media, whether it's left or right leaning and (let's not pretend that there are not outlets who tend towards the right), simply pander to peoples' confirmative biases.

So you tell me which you think is more credible and more importantly why you think that? I see you guys talking about all this evidence that conclusively proves the officer is innocent of aggression. Okay, well, what is it? Where is it? I see everything here on this topic EXCEPT any evidence one way or the other. This case is so distorted that I quite honestly cannot separate fact from fiction, yet you all seem to have zero issue with it.

The autopsy is all I need. That cretin went for the cop's gun. And now he's dead. Case closed. Until these animals find another excuse to burn down their own neighborhoods.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.